*Waitlisted* Emergency Plans & Kits Workshop

Fire Station #1, 1512 Keating Cross Road
Registration form

Join Ted Olynyk, Manager of Community Relations at BC Hydro, and Lisa Banfield, our Emergency Program Manager, for a free, practical workshop at Fire Hall #1 to gain practical tips about how to build an emergency kit and create your own emergency plan.

February 13, 2025, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m
Fire Station #1, 1512 Keating Cross Road

This free workshop is now FULL! Please fill out this form to be included on the waitlist or hear about future workshops.

Notify me about space in this workshop or future workshop dates.
I am registered for the Saanich Peninsula Alert System.
Central Saanich helps provide joint public safety alerts to the residents and visitors of the Saanich Peninsula. This system delivers critical and potentially life-saving alerts in the event of earthquakes, tsunamis, evacuation notices, or other safety threats. This local system complements the automatic provincial and federal Alert Ready system. You must register to receive these alerts. Please sign up today! Go to: saanichpeninsulaalert.connectrocket.com or call Lisa Banfield, Emergency Program Manager, at 250.544.4238.
Notify me about bulk orders for emergency kit items.
We are looking into the possibility of bulk ordering some items for home emergency kits, if requested by community members, to help Central Saanich residents save money when buying these items.

Personal information is collected by the District of Central Saanich (DOCS) under the authority of the Community Charter and is used for the processing of this application. Questions about the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information by DOCS may be directed to: FOI Head, 1903 Mt. Newton Cross Road, Saanichton, B.C. V8M 2A9 250-652-4444.